网上真钱三公游戏 (中国)有限公司官网

             (SC), founded in 2000 in Pudong New Area of Shanghai Pangzhen Donggang Economic Park, is headquartered in Pudong New Area, Shanghai Pudong port industrial park, covering 60,000 square meters, plant construction area of 32,000 Square meters, with nearly 150 employees. The company has a sound facilities and equipment, mature technology and sound quality assurance system. Has passed ISO9001-2008 international quality certification system certification.
             All along, we pursue science and technology as the guide, quality as the fundamental, social objectives for the purpose of the purpose, in the thermal fluid, environmental protection, electrical and heat flow test technology to provide customers with professional consulting, development, design, manufacture, And many other services, and well-known machinery manufacturing company, supporting the development of a series of innovative products. Division I has a number of new technologies, new technology, new products, scientific and technological achievements, a number of products comparable to the leading domestic and foreign companies, widely used in domestic and foreign related industries, while providing customers with quality after-sales and improvement, adjustment and other aspects of the consultation service.

People oriented, quality, reputation and realistic, innovative, efficient, dedication

We look forward to cooperating with you, and will continue to improve and strive to provide you with safe and convenient high-quality services.

13 09月
Categories: Company dynamics Preview: 1231
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Contact us

Shanghai Shun Chao Hardware Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Zip code:201307
Address:Shanghai City Qiu Xing Road Pudong New Area Lingang Nicheng Industrial Park No. 888


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